90 years of Hyaluronic Acid with HTL Biotechnology
Celebrations of Hyaluronic Acid are in order in 2024.
Let us explain !
Located in Javené, France our production site of 64 000 square meters host state of the art facilities :
HTL Biotechnology has developed industrial facilities to secure supplies for its customers, while meeting growing demand for both hyaluronic acid and DNA :
Further investments are in progress to increase our DNA and Hyaluronic Acid production capacity over the coming years.
Quality is our identity :
Our expertise developping new biopolymer and functionalizing Hyaluronic Acid is supported by :
Our laboratory is equiped to perform different kind of analysis :
Thanks to our qualified equipment, certified larboratory technicians and validated methods, we ensure a reliable quality control of our products.
Our Quality Control laboratory ensures our products meet the specifications of clients.